Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Big Dr. Appointment

Well Eden's Big Doctors appointment with her surgeon was on Monday the 27th, it seemed like we have been waiting for ever for this appointment and now that it's over we are so relieved. We started off the day with the CT scan of her belly at 8am down at primary's Eden couldn't have anything to eat after 4am in the morning until after her scan. So i had to wake her up in the middle of the night to feed her because she has been sleeping through the night for the past week. And of course that one night of waking up has now started a trend of her waking back up in the middle of the night, Lucky me!! Any way got down there and of course she is hungry but still being a really good baby. She has to drink oral contrast for her CT and she is not liking that at all they have put it into 6 ounces of sugar water and want her to drink as much as she can. She is getting madder by the second, firstly it isn't what she want and secondly the water comes so fast out of the nipple she keeps choking on it. Any way after forcing an ounce down her they come in to give her her IV and three sticks and a super sad baby they finally get it in, and than back to more contrast. I think we only ended up with 2 1/2 ounces out of 6 but not too bad. So after the contrast was down we had to wait an hour before they could sedate her, but if by chance she feel asleep they could try and scan her without sedating her. After all her crying she was exhausted and fell asleep, so we got to do the scan with out being sedated Yeah!!!!! Our Dr appointment with Dr. Meyer was all really good news the mass on her liver ended up just being just cyst and the scan showed that they have shrunk in size quite a bit from April, so we will do another Ct when she is a year and just keep watching it. We did have her look and her herniated belly button and she said it is borderline as to whether to fix it or not so we are just going to watch that as well. But we have been so blessed Eden is a amazing baby and everything seems to be turning out for the best, we definatly have had some miracles.