Friday, June 8, 2012

North Ogden Divide

This was our first time up the mountain. The kids loved it, Grandpa Lex,Kristi and Jase come along for the ride.  

Grandma Bev waited for us at the top.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Boating Season Begins!!!!!

his was our First time up this season. We have challenged ourselves this summer that we will go boating and horseback riding at least once a week. Week one down and mission was accomplished. Hopefully we will stick to it.
Swim time!!1

Our dinner, Little Ceasears on the boat. 

One crazy boat driver.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Cole's 5th Birthday

Cole had one big Party all day long! He was so excited to turn 5, because when he is five we get to go to the beach house and he gets to go to kindergarten.  So this was a pretty important day.  We let him open the presents from us in the morning and than had a Party with all the family that night.

This was his cool cake.  He wanted a motorcycle cake. 

Cole scored some pretty awesome gifts from everyone.  Hopefully they will entertain him for a while

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day

Our annual Memorial Day grave visiting and fish day was a sucess this year. This is the first years in a long time that we actually haven't been rained out. It was so nice.
The red theme going on with all the boys wasn't even planned.

Last year Rhett took a tumble off the fence, but this year there was no falling.

Cole's first catch of the day!

Maelyn had sucess shortyly after Cole.  Those fish were hungry!

Our Proud Fishermen

This is the first year Cole touched and held the fish with no tears.  Yeah!!!

Even Eden got to catch a fish , but really she just wanted to swim with them

The gang! (minus the south dakota rugrats)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Our New Backyard Accessory!!!!

We Got a Swingset!!!!!  The kids are super excited.  I took the kids with me down to the store to buy it, so they could test it out and see what they wanted.  The one thing that they just had to have was the ball.  They thought that was the coolest thing there.  Hopefully it will be just as cool as at our house.  We had to wait over a week for them to come and install it, and let me tell you the kids thought it was a long time, but not quite as long as the three days after they put it up that they couldn't use it so the cement could dry.