Sunday, January 8, 2012

Baseball game

Beau and Bronson got a pitching machine for christmas so we went to CBR to help them test it out. It was alot of fun. Our 1 hour game turned into a 4 hour game.

Christmas Night

Chirstmas Night is always spent at Grandpa and Grandma Coombs house. The kids still hadn't had enough of unwrapping gifts. Maelyn got her trunk full of Princess dressed that she couldn't get enough of. We tried on them all and we twirled and twirled and twirled.

Christmas Morning

Eden was the first one out of bed in the morning, and but Cole was up shortly after and he came into our room and told me and Todd he thinks Santa came because there is a basketball on the couch and he is pretty sure it is his. After that we sent him out to see if Santa has eaten the cookies and drank the milk while we waited for Maelyn. He ran back in the room and said Santa did come they are gone. We let Cole go get Maelyn after that, Maelyn and Santa weren't the best of friend this year we couldn't get her to sit on his lap and she didn't want Santa to come to our house. So when she came into our room she wasn't super excited, so I took her out to see that Santa had eaten his cookies and came to our house. When we went back to our room to tell Todd, she got her told you so look and said "i didn't even sit on his lap" Meaning he still gave her toys even if she didn't sit on his lap. Too Funny!! After that the present unwrapping began.. Todd said he thought Santa had gone a little over board this year but Santa thought it was just fine.

Christmas Eve

Our Annual Christmas Eve Party with the McCormicks seemed a little quite this year.With our Rapid City Rugrats and Jase and Kristi missing it just wasn't the same. But the kids still had a ball! We started out with the Nativity, Me and Todd played Mary and Joseph since Anna and Lex III were gone(that way there wouldn't be any fighting on who got to play them) and of course Eden got to play baby Jesus. Cole played the purple wiseman, and Todd wasn't loving that, wanted to know who bought a purple outfit for a boy. And Maelyn was an angel. If only she could always act like one.
Next was Gifts. Grandma and Grandpa gave all the girls rocking Chairs and the boys Nerf Guns. Poor Eden was so tired she slept through all the present unwarapping. She did wake up in time to open hers when everyone else was playing.


Gingerbread trains

Our Neighbors BJ and Sharon gave the kids a gingerbread train kit for Christmas. It was perfect they each got to decorate their own peice of the train. No fighting! You have to love that.

Cole's Chirstmas Program

Cole's did great at his Preschool Chirstmas program. He sang all the songs and did the actions.

Our Little Ballerina

Brett's New Toy

Brett got a new toy for us to play with at our house. It a bigger version of Cole's Gator. Super Fun!

Train Ride to see the lights: Dec 16

We all rode the front runner down to Salt Lake to see the lights at temple square. What an adventure. We rushed thinking we were going to miss the train, we were meeting at the Layton station with the Richards and Grandma Bev, the Belnaps and grandpa Lex were getting on at Roy station. We all got a one super full train, obvioulsy we weren't the only ones to have the same idea. Once we got to salt Lake we jumped on Trax which was once again a mad house. At temple squaree we only had 40 mins to walk around the lights before we needed to be back on the Frontrunner, So we quickly walked around took a few pictures and off we went. It was sooo cold everyone we ready to get back on the train. I think the train ride was the highlight of the adventure!! Hot Chocolate at Tana's and the evening was a success.

Post Halloween

I just found these pictures and had to post them. I totally forgot about this, the kids had been bugging me everyday after halloween to decorate their faces with the halloween makeup since our costumes didn't require makeup. When I finally agreed this was the result. Too Funny!! I will tell you,that makeup goes on a lot easier than it comes off. The kids had a grey hugh on their faces for a day.