Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bear Lake

The annual Bear Lake trip was great there was just enough snow to sled right in front of the Cabin. It even snowed while we were up there. We did have one small sledding injury, there was a pile up on the hill and Brock's head slammed into Cole's face. Brock ended up with the lesser injury of the two with a bruised cheek. And I'm afraid you don't get much sympathy when the other person is bleeding all over the hill. Cole ended up with a gushing bloody nose described to me a as fauset and a nasty fat lip with a torn frenulum(the skin that hangs from your upper lip). But he was a super champ and went right out the next day to sled some more. That magic mouth wash the doctor gave him worked great. But all in all it was a good time we played games watched movies and of course ate lots and lots of treats!

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