Friday, April 20, 2012

Las Vegas: Arabian Horse Championships

Las Vegas is soon to be a new family tradition!! We all had a really good time. The kids swam the entire time(needless to say the pool was more like a hot tub)and loved every minute of it. The house we stayed at was perfect. The boys aka...Todd Jase and Gpa Lex spent the majority of the time at the horse show, which they loved. While the rest of us spent the majority at the house enjoying the sun and relaxing. We caught a little bit of the horse show and took a short stroll down the strip (what were we thinking???)

Cole Really wants to know why everytime we go on vacation we have to see horses??? What do you say? Be grateful at least we are on vacation!!

Love Love Love the pool!!!

Eden spent her birthday with six hours in the car getting to Vegas but in the end it was all worth it when she shoved that yummy cupcake in her mouth

3D movie at the M&M store, the high light of our time on the strip

Monday, April 16, 2012

Eden's Big Doctor Day

Eden had her Big one year checkup with the surgeon. We went down to Primary Childrens at 9am to have a Cat Scan of her abdomen and some blood work and than had an appointment with her surgeon Dr. Meyers after that. Eden was a super champ first of all she couldn't eat anything in the morning, we tried to keep her sippy cup hidden from her but while we were waiting in for her CT scan she found it. It was so sad she would keep sucking it and than look at us and hand it to us. Next they came in and got her all hooked up.She had a blood pressure cuff  a pulse oximeter and and IV in her little had. After they got it all wrapped up it looked like she had a cast on. Her one comfort was they had brought in a toy piggy bank she sat there the whole time putting the money in it was too cute. And it kept her distracted from wanting to pull everything out.

The results could'nt of come back better!! Her liver no longer has any cysts on it, she she doesn't have to have any more follow-ups with her surgeon and no more CT's yeah!!!! She is just a healthy little girl.  I'm so glad to have everything over with.   We have been so blessed!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Morning

We had a great Easter Morning, Cole was the first one up and than Maelyn was up shortly after. And you would never believe what the Easter Bunny did on our floor. That's Right he Pooped on our floor, Cole on Maelyn were so excited and they even figured out on their own that the poop trail led to there hidden Easter baskets.

After church that night we went over and did a Easter egg hunt with Great Grandma Stewart.

Eden thinks she is big stuff

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter at the Farm

It was finally warm enough this year to spend Easter out at the farm. This is the first time in the 9 years Todd and I have know each other that I gone there so I was excited. The weather was perfect!!! We had some killer tinfoil dinners I don't know why something cooked in a fire tastes so much better than in your oven. The boys shot... and shot.... and shot some more when they found some hidden ammo they even had the little boys going at it with BB guns. Grandma and Grandpa gave all the kids a bucket for Easter so they were all ready for the egg hunt, I've never seen so many eggs disappear in a matter of seconds.  The kids were told they could get 15 eggs and most ended up with 20+. They forgot they were supposed to be counting as they found them.  I guess if you snooze you lose.  

Everyone waiting for the official start

This was the danger zone. Thank goodness they are only loaded with BB's

Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter at Coombs

We had our first easter egg hunt of the season over at Grandpa Larry and Grandma Gays. For Being first time hunting eggs she didn't need much direction. I think her favorite thing was carrying around her basket. Cole and Maelyn had a ball too, anything involoving candy with those two and they are in seventh heaven.

Dying Eggs

Our annual dying Easter eggs with the McCormicks was a success. Eden just watched. Maelyn thought it was funner to dye her hands and Cole just wanted to do more and more eggs. The only problem with this is, we don't eat hard boiled eggs at our house.