Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day

Our annual Memorial Day grave visiting and fish day was a sucess this year. This is the first years in a long time that we actually haven't been rained out. It was so nice.
The red theme going on with all the boys wasn't even planned.

Last year Rhett took a tumble off the fence, but this year there was no falling.

Cole's first catch of the day!

Maelyn had sucess shortyly after Cole.  Those fish were hungry!

Our Proud Fishermen

This is the first year Cole touched and held the fish with no tears.  Yeah!!!

Even Eden got to catch a fish , but really she just wanted to swim with them

The gang! (minus the south dakota rugrats)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Our New Backyard Accessory!!!!

We Got a Swingset!!!!!  The kids are super excited.  I took the kids with me down to the store to buy it, so they could test it out and see what they wanted.  The one thing that they just had to have was the ball.  They thought that was the coolest thing there.  Hopefully it will be just as cool as at our house.  We had to wait over a week for them to come and install it, and let me tell you the kids thought it was a long time, but not quite as long as the three days after they put it up that they couldn't use it so the cement could dry.  

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Preschool Graduation

Cole's Big Day. I can't believe he is graduating from preschool. He is such a smart kid, and is sooooo excited to go to kindergarten in the fall.
Tiny Tykes Preschool graduation.  What a Stud!!!

Cole and his Teacher Mrs Hillary

The Proud grandparents!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


This is our new Saturday ritual. The kids get up and off they go to mow the lawn with Jase 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Cole's last soccer game

This was Cole's last AYSO soccoer game of the season. The spring season started out a little sketchy. You would of thought they had all forgotten how to play soccer over the break. But by the end of the season they finally came back to life. Cole scored lots of goals!!!

Aiden, Todd, Cole,Taygen,Wesly,Landon.  The Red Dragons!!!

Friday, May 18, 2012


This is what happens when your kids ask if they can go splash in the puddles, and you send them out unsupervised. The First thing Cole told me is that Maelyn did it all by herself. Like I believe that story.  Maelyn didn't think it was so fun when she had to be washed off with the hose, especially since it was cold that day.  But these are priceless moments!!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


We Went up to see Brock's puppies, they were so little they didn't even have their eyes open yet.  Cole and Maelyn just loved them, Eden didn't know what to think she would touch them and scream.  We even dragged little Paisley along with us she wasn't ha huge fan either she just kept pushing them away

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Testing the Fence

Cole went out with Todd and Jase while they were fixing the fence. Cole wanted to help test the electrical fence. So they let him. The first time he touched it he had his boots on and they had so much insulation he couldn't feel anything so they made him take his boots off and he got zapped.

Baby Horse: aka... Racer Paint

We had our baby horse, the name is yet to be decided. The kids are just calling him racer paint for now. I was lucky I actually got to watch Choco have her baby. Which is a rare thing this was Todds first time watching a baby horse be born and he has had horses for 32 years. I think I was just lucky.   Todd and I had stayed up the night before thinking she was going to have it but of course she didn't. The next night  Todd gave up, and said just to call him when she was having it. I was so tired from the night before I decided I would check on her every 2 hours. And the only reason my timing worked out is because Maelyn was up in the middle of the night and threw off my 2 hours schedule . I went out at 4:15am and watched her, I stayed out for about 15 mins and all she was doing was turning around and smelling  the ground. So I though she was getting close, I almost went in thinking I would check her in an hour. When all of a sudden she laid down,  and started having her baby. I gave Todd a QUICK call and it wasn't 15 mins latter the baby was out. The Belnaps and Jase and Kristi almost made it. It was really cool. It just amazes me how fast they develop, a few minutes after they are born they are up and already walking around.
We have 3 more baby horses due this next year, I don't know how dedicated I'm going to be about staying up.I don't know if I'm going to push my luck