Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Baby Horse: aka... Racer Paint

We had our baby horse, the name is yet to be decided. The kids are just calling him racer paint for now. I was lucky I actually got to watch Choco have her baby. Which is a rare thing this was Todds first time watching a baby horse be born and he has had horses for 32 years. I think I was just lucky.   Todd and I had stayed up the night before thinking she was going to have it but of course she didn't. The next night  Todd gave up, and said just to call him when she was having it. I was so tired from the night before I decided I would check on her every 2 hours. And the only reason my timing worked out is because Maelyn was up in the middle of the night and threw off my 2 hours schedule . I went out at 4:15am and watched her, I stayed out for about 15 mins and all she was doing was turning around and smelling  the ground. So I though she was getting close, I almost went in thinking I would check her in an hour. When all of a sudden she laid down,  and started having her baby. I gave Todd a QUICK call and it wasn't 15 mins latter the baby was out. The Belnaps and Jase and Kristi almost made it. It was really cool. It just amazes me how fast they develop, a few minutes after they are born they are up and already walking around.
We have 3 more baby horses due this next year, I don't know how dedicated I'm going to be about staying up.I don't know if I'm going to push my luck

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