Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 10 : Friday April 29

Well the nurses report from this morning is... Eden had a good night she is doing really good. She has a big day ahead of her they have weened her of her respirator a little bit more from 18 down to 16, which is good she is still just breathing on room air. They plan on giving her lasik today which is a drug that help eliminate water and fluid from the body and makes you pee it out, so this should help with her edema and swelling she has going on. Next she has been really doing good which her phentinol drip which is her pain medication that she has continuously going through her body to keep her comfortable, so they are going to try and lower it from 2mg to 1mg and see how she does on that. She also is getting another blood transfusion today they have had to draw so much blood out her little body just can't make it fast enough.

Grandma Bev and Grandpa Lex went down and visited her this afternoon she was awake the whole time they were down there. She was getting her blood and they had already given her her lasik (which was working really good). Todd, Jase, Kristi and Tana went down to visit tonight. She slept most of the time they were but grabbed right on to Jase's little finger. I'm stuck at home with a little but of a cough, but better safe than sorry. The Nurse practitioner says she is amazed at how little pain medication she has required she is our little fighter. They lowered her medication down to 1.5 instead of the 1.0 that the nurse had mentioned earlier that morning but she still seems really comfortable. They said her her lasik worked really good but she would probably need more over the next couple of days. For all that went on today Eden is doing really well.


  1. How could she not just grab onto Jase?!?! He is an Uncle just waiting to be loved and to love. She is beautiful and I am so happy that she is doing well. Our prayers are with your family. xoxoxox

  2. O baby Eden you are beautiful! & truly a miracle baby! We're so glad your doing better. Jana~ you're amazing. Thanks for keeping us updated. Our hearts are with you please let us know if there is anything we can do. we'd love to have Cole & Maelyn over for a play date if it'll be convenient for you guys! :)
