Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 7: Tues April 26

Went to the hospital today Grandpa Lex dropped me off, Todd is home with Cole who now has Maelyn's fever. First thing I see when I go in the room is a nurse sticking Eden's head, was told she had a really rough night and they just couldn't get her settled. At about 7 o'clock that morning they noticed that her abdomen had become distended and rock hard. They knew something was going on but not sure what. So they were trying to get some more IV access because the only one left was her umbilical line (they really wanted to pull that one in had been in too long already). The Dr. had ordered all kinds of test on her to try and figure out what was going on. Eden's veins were in pretty poor shape they had stuck her everywhere, that's why they were using her head. The nurse finally got 2 IV's into her head, and started drawing blood to run the lab work. She had 3 different x-rays of her belly done , and an ultrasound on her abdomen. From all of these test they determined that she had lots of free fluid that was filling up her belly. To try and figure out where all this fluid was coming from they decided to do paracentitis.They took her down to radiology to do this they take a big needle and draw the fluid out of her belly. They removed about 4 oz (100cc) and said that there was at least that much still in her belly. They sent this off to they lab to try and determine what it was and where it was coming from. On her x-rays they had noticed two pockets of air up by her liver but didn't know what it really was if it was in the liver or attached to it or just free air in her belly. They did one more x-ray that night and began to think that it was free air in her belly. This is bad you should never have air in your belly unless its in your bowl, it's usually a sign of a bowl perforation. This is when the doctor decided to call Primary Children's and consult with their doctors. It was a few hours later that we finally heard back from them. In the mean time we had both grandpa's give Eden a blessing, and they let me hold her. It was the only time that she seem to settle down and sleep(since she hadn't slept all day). The doctors at Primary's wanted Eden shipped down there, they had their radiologist and a surgeon review the films and believed that it was free air and wanted to take her into surgery. So in order to be life flighted they had to intabate her again to make sure she wouldn't have any breathing troubles during the flight and also had a pic line put in her head. They also gave Eden another transfusion just in case she was going into surgery tonight. She was Life Flighted late that night about 11:30.

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