Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 9: Thursday April 28

Went up and saw Eden tonight, she is doing really good. They have her on a phentinol drip that keeps her a little sedated and comfortable, this is continuously going into her body and 2mg per kilo and if she acts uncomfortable they can give her more. They have been able to drop down the settings on her ventilator a little bit. Her 2 drains are still putting out some fluid but it is a little bit less than yesterday so that is good. They have a tube down her stomach still that is suctioning out and stomach acid and bile that goes in there so she doesn't throw it up. They have a catheter in her bladder to monitor her output. She is starting to get a little swollen especially in her face and head. Where she hasn't been able to move around after surgery her body is just retaining lots of water. A blood culture from Mckay came back positive for staph infection so they had to redraw all her cultures to see it she still has it. With all the blood they had to draw she will probably need another blood transfusion in the next couple of days.
Eden was wide awake for us tonight, she can't move around but her little eyes would follow you around and look at you when you were talking. They say she has been awake a little bit more especially when they are doing her cares (changing diaper,measuring her, weighing etc.).

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