Thursday, April 28, 2011

Eden's Arrival (Day1)

April 20 Eden was scheduled to enter this world via c-section at 9:30 in the morning, but decided she just couldn't wait. Tuesday night (April 19) my water broke at about 10:45pm we rushed to the hospital, it's a good thing there were no cops out that night. By the time we got to the hospital I was dilated to a 5 and having very painful contractions (why some people do this natural is beyond me!) By the time they finally got me to the OR and my epidural in, Eden was pretty far into the birth canal, which for us is a bad thing. She was pretty stuck and required 2 doctors and 2 nurses pushing and pulling to finally get her out, she was born at 12:22am on the 20th. Sometime from when my water broke to when they finally got Eden out my placenta had abrupted. Which means Eden was no longer receiving the blood and oxygen that she needed. She made a small cry and than was whisked off to the NICU. Our first report from the doctor was that they had intabated her, her lungs just weren't strong enough to breath on her own. They were working on getting IV access in her veins and arteries, and because she didn't receive enough oxygen they had put her on a cooling cap. A cooling cap is basically a hat that cools her brain down 2 degrees colder than her body temperature, which slows down the brain cells metabolism so there is less chance of cell death or less chance that she could have brain damage. She would be on this cooling process for 72 hours and we wouldn't be able to hold her until that time period was up. The first time that I got to finally see Eden wasn't until the next morning (Todd got to see her in the NICU while they were working on her the night before). She was pretty sedated and had tubes everywhere, she had an IV in both her hands and her feet, her breathing tube coming out her mouth and the cap on her head. Not exactly the way your want to see your baby. But she was stable and she was alive and for that we were grateful. We were now playing the "waiting game" for the next 72 hours until they could take her off the cooling cap.

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