Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 4: Sat April 23

Big Day For all of us.... Eden gets off her cooling cap this morning. At 3:30 early sat morning they are going to take Eden's cap off and then monitor her body temperature as she warms back up. Todd went in early to watch. I'm afraid it wasn't too exciting but everything went really well. They told us to expect a lot of swelling in her head and face, some from the trauma of the delivery and the rest was caused by the cooling cap. We went in later that morning and finally got to see her hair ( and I even got to put a bow in). Her head and face were pretty swollen and her head was really cone shaped but they told us the swelling would come down in a few days. Eden is still on her ventilator and is still pretty sedated so she still looks likes she is sleeping deeply. But she is a fighter even though she is on the ventilator she is still breathing on her own quite a bit. They have taken her off her nitric oxide and she is just breathing room air which is awesome. We went in later that day to see her before I was discharged to spend Easter with Cole and Maelyn, they had started to ween her of her sedation a little bit, so when you held her hand she would actually squeeze your finger. It's amazing how you take for granted all though little things like squeezing your finger and crying. Grandma and Grandpa Coombs went and saw Eden that night and they had changed her bed and put her in an isolet. They said this gives them a little more peace and quite with all the noisy equipment that is in the room.

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