Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 14: Tuesday May 3

Eden is offically 2 weeks old, and we had a big big day today! First off eden's little tube that was suctioning out her belly was finally removed. So she has no more tubes in her mouth to gag on yeah!!. Next surgery gave her the ok to start eating, which means that he bowels are working again after surgery. And lastley they removed her arterial line out of her hand. And the biggest news of all...... We got to finally hold her!!!!!! What an awsome experience, was afraid at first i was going to hurt her with her big incision, but she just snuggled right in. I got to feed her her first bottle, they are only giving her a taste for now (9cc) to see how her stomach handles it, and if she does good they will move up the amount tomorrow. Todd and I stayed up there most of the day just holding her, and than went back up that night after Cole's soccer game. We just couldn't get enough of her!!

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome!!! You guys are in my prayers and I send my love <3
