Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 24: Friday May 13

Eden's home!!!!! Friday the 13 is a good day for us! I went down this morning to take Eden some milk, I had called down there earlier and they said it look like we could bring her home tomorrow. When I got down there the nurse said they had decided that they could discharge Eden today. I wasn't going to complain about that. They were still waiting for surgery to come and pull out her central line, they were really busy and didn't know when they were going to make it up there to do it. So after talking to Todd, we decided that I would just stay down there and bring her home and he would get the other two kids.
So I waited until 2:30 when the surgery nurse practitioner came up to pull it out. They got her all draped in sterile cloths and cleaned up with betadine, then they numbed up the area with lidocane so it wouldn't hurt so bad, I guess the catheter has a small knob on it that the tissue adheres so it kind of hurts when they pull it out. She did cry a little bit but not as much as I thought she would, she is one tuff cookie. After that we just waited around for all the discharge paperwork. At about 4:30 all the paperwork was done Eden had a few final exams and away we went. She has a follow up with the surgeon in 6 weeks and will have a CT of her belly before she goes to see her, to make sure the tumors on her liver haven't come back. Eden was an angel on the way home didn't make a peep all the way home. We got home just a little after 6 and Cole and Maelyn were waiting to see their new sister. Cole thinks she is just so little. Maelyn loves her new little sisterbut we are going to have to watch a little close so she doesn't love her too much. Both grandparents come over to see her and even Bryce made it out to see her. We are so grateful to have her home thank you everyone for all your prayers and love we know that it helped get her home so quickly we are truly blessed.


  1. Congratulations Todd and Jana!! We couldn't be happier to hear that Eden is home. What a happy day!

  2. What a blessing! So happy to see her home :)
