Sunday, May 22, 2011

Life at Home

Sunday May 22:
Eden has been home with us now for just over a week now, it hard to think she is really a month old and not my little newborn. But is guess one advantage of having her be a month old she has slept for 5 hours the last two nights. I forget how sleep deprived you get with a baby, but 5 hours has been like heaven!! We go in tomorrow for a 2nd weight check make sure she is still gaining weight. I don't think she is going to have a problem there she loves to EAT!

Big News for Maelyn she pooped in the potty today!!! First time for pooping YEAH! she has been starting to pee in the potty at least once a day. Hopefully we will be potty trained by her birthday.

Tuesday May 24

Okay blogging at home with the baby home seems to be so much harder than when she was at the hospital.
Eden's doctor appointment went great she weighed in at 9lbs 13 oz. A total weight gain of 9 oz. The dr. said they like babies to gain about 4 to 7 oz a week, so Eden is doing really good. He told me to keep doing whatever I'm doing.

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