Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 21: Tuesday May 10

Eden is officially 3 weeks old, Oh how time flies. They changed Eden's room on us she is now in the bed across from where Cole used to be, a little de ja vu. Talked to the nurse practitioner today Eden is doing really well they are going to take her off her TPN (iv fluid they have been feeding her) and going to put her on something a little less nutritious because she is eating better, and if she does well on that they can take her off that as well. The surgeon is out until Friday so until then we aren't expecting any updates. Eden has become quite the little smiler (if only we could catch it on film) she will be really fun when we get her home with the kids.

1 comment:

  1. Jana she is so beautiful! I think I am to the point that I can come and visit again, this time hold her, maybe she will be home. Let me know if you need me to tend the kids when you go down again. I love all of you Mama Bev
