Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 16: Thursday May 5

They took off all of Eden's eating restrictions today she can now eat whatever and whenever she wants. She is eating about 25-35ml which is pretty good and she seems to be keeping it down. She is eating about half of what she needs to and getting the rest through her IV still. So in order for her to come home she will have to double the amount. But for her first day of actually eating she is doing great.
They removed Eden's staples too and just put steri strips over her incision. The nurse said she did really well and that it looked really good. She is still on her pain drip at .5, and in the next few days they should be taking her off that and giving her just timed doses of medication. They also told us that tomorrow they will be trying her without her oxygen. Her oxygen saturation has been in the high 90's all day so they think she should be ok without it. And lastly we got the pathology report back finally, only to find out the the findings came back inconclusive. What does that mean? Well basically the surgeon had told us that Eden had lymph malformations (tumor) on her liver, and she was pretty positive. And the pathologist findings came back as a blood clot with air bubbles in it. So anyway they are going to have the surgeon talk to the pathologist and see what they can come up with. The nurse practitioner said they see really strange things here and sometimes they have answers and sometimes they don't. So we just wait and see, we will take strange with no explanation if it means she doesn't have tumors that will probably grow back. Sometimes answers to prayers come in strange ways.


  1. It is so good to hear that she is doing a little bit better everyday! She is so beautiful! & she looks really alert in these pics!!
    You are an amazing mother Jana & we'll keep praying for baby Eden to get all better & go home soon w/out more complications. <3 <3 <3

  2. I love the little smile. She is a doll, she is so glad to not be naky anymore. We love you. Have a good one. Let me know when I can tend you little people. Love you. Are you good on groceries? love ya!!

  3. Cute baby. Glad to hear she is eating well and oxygen is up.

  4. Oh, goodness! She looks incredible!!! I'm SO happy for you two.
