Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 18: Sat May 7

Eden is doing super good today. They have taken her off her phentonyl drip (pain medication) so instead of her getting a continuous dose of pain medicaiton. They are just giving her a dose of pain meds every 3 hours. So this is good they are slowly getting her off. She still isn't eating as much as they would like her to but I'm sure she'll get there. Last night she threw up all she ate twice for the nurse and once today for the nurse, but she is a hard burper, you don't really want to pound on her back too much, or lay her on her tummy so she get those air bubbles in her stomach and throws everything up. But other than that she looks great and has sure become a smiler. She had some new visitors today. Lance Scott and Tana all came to see and hold her.

1 comment:

  1. She is sooo cute!! I am so glad to hear she is doing well. What a great Mothers day hear that things are getting better :)
